Source 38:  Poster: 'These Women Are Doing Their Bit', by Septimus Scott

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During World War I, women began to work in jobs and professions which had traditionally been dominated by men. By the end of the War in 1918, almost 1 million women were working in the munitions industry, producing and supplying weapons and ammunition. More women worked in this industry than in any other during World War I.

This poster, designed by Septimus Scott, was used to recruit women to munitions work during World War I. The salute of the soldier in the background of the picture is echoed by the raised arm of the woman in the foreground. The similarity of the gestures emphasises the important contribution that women made to the war effort.

(Trustees of the Imperial War Museum, London. This image may not be copied without the permission of the Imperial War Museum.)

[Source: Woollacott, Angela 'On Her Their Lives Depend', London / California, University of California Press, 1994]